The Australian Army Aviation Association Soldier of the Year for 2011 is CFN Lachlan Fraser. As a Fitter Armourer in the 5th Aviation Regiment, CFN Fraser took on all the roles and responsibilities of the position with enthusiasm. He performed trade duties and responsibilities with dedication and displayed an exceptional ability to manage all tasks allocated. Of note, was his positive attitude, which, combined with his trade skills, have ensured exceptional productivity in Ground Equipment Repair Troop.
CFN Fraser is one of the few tradesmen in the Army qualified on the M134D 7.62 Mini-gun. This weapon system is essential for force protection of CH-47 Aircraft operating in Afghanistan. There is a very small fleet of this specialised weapon system in the ADF and he has been constantly under pressure to ensure sufficient numbers are available for both operations and domestic training. Despite significant pressures, he demonstrated maturity and moral courage when he identified a systemic error in management of M134D Maintenance Procedures. CFN Fraser alerted the chain of command, despite knowing the issue might reflect poorly on his peers, and would cause the Army to lose a capability for a short period of time. He then applied yourself to rectifying the problem and you instigated robust measures to prevent recurrence.
CFN Fraser is also a subject matter expert on a wide variety of topics, from infantry minor tactics and navigation, through to technical references and documentation relevant to trade tasks. He is highly regarded within the unit as a hard working and professional soldier. He takes a proactive approach to the mentoring of the On-The-Job trainees. Whilst not his primary role, CFN Fraser consistently takes the initiative to provide trainees with the opportunity to expand their knowledge, going out of his way to engage trainees, using challenging scenarios to develop their diagnostic skills.
During his tenure at the 5th Aviation Regiment, CFN Fraser has consistently demonstrated the capacity to accept extra responsibility. He regularly exceed standards with the quality of his work, applying keen attention to detail. He always completes his duties to a high standard and can be trusted to work independently. He consistently strives to improve himself and this has a positive impact on both his peers and the general work environment. CFN Fraser’s initiative, integrity and dedication are in the finest traditions of the Army.