Veterans Affairs
You are strongly encouraged to seek the assistance of an ex-service organisation (ESO) in lodging a claim under the Veterans’ Entitlement Act 1986 (VEA), the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence Related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA) or the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA). The decision on whether your disabilities are service related is based on up-to-date medical and scientific evidence. This information is detailed in the Repatriation Medical Authority’s Statements of Principles’ (Google: RMA SOP’s). In Brief:
· The VEA covers service in wartime and certain operational deployments, as well as certain peacetime service between 7 December 1972 – 30 June 2004.
· The DRCA covers injuries, diseases and deaths that are linked to most peacetime ADF service between 3 January 1949 and June 2004.
· The MRCA provides for compensation and other benefits to be provided for current and former members of the ADF who suffer a service-related injury or disease in the military on or after 1 July 2004.
(For further information on DVA Key Services visit the Homepage at
An ESO should be able to provide you with advice on how the factors identified in the Statements of Principles may apply in your case. The Australian Army Aviation Association Inc. provides free advocacy assistance to its members. Proof of identity is required when lodging a new claim with DVA. Check out the DVA website Fact Sheet DVA06 ‘Proving your identity to DVA’.
It is essential that prior to the lodgement of a claim that it has been thoroughly checked (by a trained advocate) to ensure that it has been properly prepared. This is referred to as ‘Getting it Right the First Time’, and can avoid a lot of unnecessary stress and disappointment.
Advocacy Service
The Australian Army Aviation Association is committed to ensuring that it’s members are informed of repatriation benefits and provided with assistance when requested. Kevin Moss is the ‘Fourays’ Advocate. A former serving member of the Aviation Corps he was first trained by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs through the Training and Information Programme in 1995. Since then he has attended update TIP courses and helped many veterans and widows obtain their correct entitlements from the DVA.
More information regarding pension types & entitlements.

A checklist
- Throughout your ADF service ensure that all accidents, injuries, illnesses and incidents are reported and recorded in your medical records.
- Prior to leaving the ADF obtain a complete copy of your medical records. Ex members of the ADF should obtain a copy of their medical records prior to submitting a claim to DVA
- Seek the guidance and advice of a trained and credible advocate
- Keep copies of all correspondence to and from DVA
- Speak to your advocate about obtaining copies of relevant SOP’s.