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Aviation Soldier of the Year

I commend you for your exceptional service as an Avionics Technician in Support Squadron, Sixth Aviation Regiment.

During your time at Sixth Aviation Regiment, you have developed into the subject matter expert for Avionics processes, greatly assisting the critical shortage in Avionics Trade Supervisors. You possess the most extensive knowledge of all Avionics Technicians at your rank and an unparalleled thought process, which is logical and efficient. It has been noted that the high quality of Avionics Technicians in the unit is attributed to your ability to mentor them. Your work has resulted in an increase in Sixteenth Aviation Brigade’s Avionics Technician capability.

Your devotion to excellence was also seen in your involvement with the Avionics components of the Black Hawk Modification Program (BHMP). Due to the infancy of some modifications forming the BHMP, an extensive knowledge base was yet to be established by Army Aviation System Program Office (AASPO). You pioneered the way forward through system trials and end-user feedback. Your pivotal liaison between Sixth Aviation Regiment EMEOPS and AASPO helped achieve the successful implementation of the Avionics modifications of the BHMP. Throughout the program you have been the personification of the professional Avionics Technician, actively demonstrating your work ethic in a high tempo unit. You have sought responsibility to execute tasks as an Avionics Trade Supervisor beyond that expected of your rank.

Throughout the 6th Aviation Regiment’s yearly battle rhythm, you have been involved in the majority of exercises. This sacrifice has resulted in decreased time spent at home, which has detracted from your personal life. Your involvement in the Army Rugby Union team has provided some respite from your professional work commitments. You have been an integral member of the regiment’s team, participating in the Kapooka 9s and Kapooka 10s victories, as well as representing Sixteenth Aviation Brigade as the starting winger with great success and being selected for the Tri-Service team.

Your contribution to the Sixth Aviation Regiment is of the highest order and is in keeping with the finest traditions of the Army Aviation Corps, the Australian Regular Army and the Australian Defence Force.

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