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Aviation Soldier of the Year

For outstanding performance and devotion to duty as a groundcrewman instructor in Corps training and tactics wing, at the School of Army Aviation.

CPL Moorman in the course of his duties has demonstrated iniative and mature judgement in tasks assigned to him as part of the rewrite of the groundcrewman’s training management plan and competency log book project. His responsibilities for these tasks were carried out promptly and meticulously. His skills in applying the teaching practices of the Army Training System towards these projects were commendable. CPL Moorman’s contribution throughout both these corps projects, and person commitment to reducing inefficiencies within the groundcrew trade.

CPL Moorman’s conduct as a soldier and an instructor at the School of Army Aviation has been beyond reproach and this has been consistently displayed in his work, dress and bearing. In recognition of his contribution and dedication to the corps, CPL Moorman is awarded the Australian Army Aviation Association Soldier of the Year Trophy for 1998.

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