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Aviation Soldier of the Year

The Australian Army Aviation Association Soldier of the Year for 2006 is Corporal Lonergan in recognition of his exemplary performance as the Commander of Forward Repair Team Three, B Squadron, 5th Aviation Regiment in support of Black Hawk aircraft maintenance.

Through his inspirational leadership, unflagging commitment and adept technical skill he has made a significant contribution to the successful conduct of flying operations, both overseas and within Australia. In particular, his support in assisting B Squadron prepare for Operations PAKISTAN, ASSIST, LARRY ASSIST and ASTUTE has been outstanding and well above that expected of someone of his rank and experience. In this demanding environment of high operational tempo he achieved results with his Forward Repair Team that, ultimately, has enhanced the international reputation of the Australian Army’s aviation capability.

CPL LOnergan’s dedication, skill and tenacity in the most difficult of conditions has brought great credit upon himself, the Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and his Regiment and reflect the finest traditions of the Army aviation capability’s soldier/tradesmen

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